2016 Project #1: Room Makeover


I've been staying at home for almost two months now and doing pretty much nothing, except for some house chores. My initial post SPM plan was to get a job once I get my driving license, but due to some circumstances I did not get to start my driving class as soon as I'd like to, but still; better late than never, huh? I attended the 6-hour long course last Saturday and will be taking my computer test this Saturday, insha Allah. This means I would have around a month or so until I get my driving license, which means I'll be stuck at home for at least another month. So I thought to myself, why not try to do something creative? Something I'd enjoy doing, something I don't mind spending my time and money for. Something that will result in immense satisfaction once I get everything done. And then it dawned on me. My bedroom.

I began sleeping on my own when I was ten, so that would mean I've been using this bedroom for seven years. I am not exactly a neat freak, so most of the time my room is somewhere in between messy and spotless. However, in those 7 years I have gathered quite a number of reference books, exercise books, exam papers and homework papers which I have been keeping in several boxes in my room. I also have bought a lot of clothes in that period of time (well of course) which filled up my clothes cupboard to the brim. Besides all that, I also have some drawers of things I haven't sorted out for a while now. So I talked to my mom and she agreed to install an air cond (this was her idea, istg i didn't ask for this) and paint my room once I have finished clearing out everything. Woohoo!

So I began sorting out clothes that no longer fit and those I no longer wear, stacking old papers (i still have my UPSR exercise papers, idek) to be sold to the recycle centre, putting away some books to hand down to my younger cousins, et cetera et cetera. So far I've been doing good, I think. I've cleared out 90% of my stuffs in the bedroom and all there's left to clear is some other boxes under my bed. Those are mostly my mom's stuffs so I guess I'll let her choose the stuffs she still uses and I'll clear the rest. So yeah, there's really not much left for me to do.

In the meantime, I guess I'll have to decide on a nice colour for my bedroom. In all honesty, I love pink but I don't think I'd love to have a pink room. I want to settle on a nice, elegant colour which shows some maturity and is somehow feminine. I've been thinking perhaps light purple/lavender or turquoise. Do you guys have any suggestions? Please do comment if you do, alright? :)

I guess that's it for now. I'll keep updating from time to time.


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